Are you HEALING or placing a band-aid?

One of the main themes in my new book EIGHTEEN INCHES is healing. While I was writing it I came face to face with past traumas and decisions I hadn’t properly healed from. I realized that for years I had placed a bandaid on the wound. I threw some salt on it, but I had never taken the time to properly heal. Often when we experience a physical wound we make it a priority to follow the recovery instructions. For example as a teen I was involved in a car accident that left me with several dislocated vertebrae, adding to my scoliosis. Needless to say I was in pain. My mother began taking me to a chiropractor and I was in treatment for months until each vertebra was in its correct placement. As I matured physically I had the understanding that to feel better you must put in the effort to heal. Our emotional wellness is no different. We must make the choice to face the dark parts of our past, become aware of the past pain and LET GO. Every persons journey is different but I can guarantee you we all experience low and darker moments. How we heal is in our hands more than anyone else’s. The healing occurs in the moment we let go, but to get to that moment we must first become aware of the root of the pain, the wound and the tears. My intention with my new book is for the vulnerability I shared be a catalyst for the reader’s self-discovery, healing, and growth; in the same way I healed and have learned to value the light that shines within me.


Mirtha Michelle Castro Mármol

The newest book is now available! 

Eighteen Inches: The Distance between the Heart and Mind